

Ignition '24 - Progress your theatre career!

Running across 23rd Sept 2024 to 13th Oct 2024 - number of days and dates vary according to the play/s you are a involved in.

JOIN US as The CHP and YOU bring brand new works to the stage to delight our audiences and showcase your work to invited agents and bookers. 

The Plays: 

Prometheus In Chains: A modern adaptation of the Greek tragedy - with audience interaction

Winston's Witch:  A fictionalized depiction, based on the mysterious true story of the last witch convicted in Britain, twists and turns through the eyes of Penny Coyle-Kelso, a young Wren in the Women's Royal Navy Service

Dying to Meet You: A murder mystery farce on the set of a BBC Cookery programme  

This is an amazing opportunity for anyone in the early stages of a career in the world of theatre. Working with professional Directors, professional Writers and a new Producer you will deliver up to three new plays across three weeks (some prep work to be expected for some roles). 

We are looking for local emerging talent, across all aspects of theatre, including:- professional and semi-professional actors, strong community actors, Lighting technicians, Sound technicians, Stage Manager/s, front of house and backstage crew, set builders, props, make-up and wardrobe assistants and manager. 

 At a minimum, travel costs will be reimbursed and meals provided.  We aim for this to be a paid production –  funding dependent. 

To express interest please click the button below and complete the form for further details.